Anime/Manga+ Database Wiki
Rey yan by furaos99-d3cgi1v

Rey Yan

Rey Yan:

Physical Strength: Class 100+ (Jukwol, a mid tier character could punch a city sized giant onto the floor, Rey Yan is alot stronger than him)

Speed: Relativistic+ (Even from the 11th volume he was massively hypersonic+, He was able tointercept, block and deflect lightning, without any difficulty)

Destructive Capacity: Country+ (He made a city level explosion just because he was angry, mid tier character makes a nuclear explosion), Likely Universal by EoS ( Absorbed the powers of a universal level and was given the choice to rule over 3 realms)

Durability: Planet +(Withstood being crushed by a planet crusher), Likely Universal by EoS ( Absorbed the powers of a universal level and was given the choice to rule over 3 realms)

Intelligence: Vast knowledge on demonic spells, With help he located a demon on a different dimensional plane.


- His attack called "Four Stars Of Destruction" can destroythe targets soul.

- Rey Yan can tear through space.

- He can fly

- Able to create a mini vortex/blackhole

- Was nuked with an attack that destroyed mountains, it didnt even budge Rey Yan, it made him smile.

- Rey has shields that automatically block incoming attacks.
